Issue #219 of The Week Online with DRCNet has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Editorial: A Line in the Sand," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "New California Bill Would Mandate 90-Day Minimum Jail Term for Being Under Ecstasy's Influence," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Agenda for 2002, and DRCNet Monthly Donor Program Update," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "New Jersey Governor-Elect Calls for Needle Exchange, Cites Battle Against AIDS," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Colombia Peace Process Collapses While Second Presidential Candidate Decries Failed Drug Policies," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Supreme Court to Hear Public Transit Search Case, Bush Administration Invokes Terror War to Support Drug War Measure," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Brazil Joins Ranks of Drug Reform Nations, Users to Avoid Jail Under New Law," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Hemp Industry Takes DEA to Court Over Hemp Food Ban, Urges 9th Circuit to Throw Out DEA Interpretative Rule," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Gettman-High Times Marijuana Rescheduling Action Heads for Federal Court, Latest Turn in Glacially-Paced Legal Battle," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "What Drug-Terror Link? Drug Money Not Mentioned as Feds End Investigation of September 11 Finances," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Montana Sets Drug Policy Task Force -- No Dopers Need Apply," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Internships at DRCNet," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Alerts: Ecstasy Bills, HEA Drug Provision, Bolivia, DEA Hemp Ban, Mandatory Minimums, Medical Marijuana," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "The Reformer's Calendar," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.