Issue #007 of The Week Online with DRCNet has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Note from DRCNet: Our mission is to disseminate information. We depend upon our members to keep us informed!!," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Media/Legislative Alert: Needle exchangers convicted in New Jersey. Large response needed," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "New England Journal of Medicine Follows up on its January Editorial in Support of Medical Marijuana," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "International News: Constitutional Challenge to Canada's Marijuana Prohibition, British Medical Journal editorializes against a US style Drug Czar for UK, Clinton Administration meets to discuss hemispheric cooperation," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "New Book: Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Statistic of the Week: We're just not building the prisons fast enough," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Demonstration in Washington, DC: Against the ban on federal funding for needle exchange. Participants/ Volunteers/Support needed," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Web Site News: Complete newsletter archive, and updated media links page," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Job Opportunities: Psst... Wanna be the new UK Drug Czar?," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Link of the Week: A somber but inspiring double entry this week from the other side of the world," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Quote of the Week: Honesty, not hysteria, educates children," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Editorial: When truth is not our vehicle, the messages we send don't reach our kids," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.