DRCNetDrug Reform Coordination Network


Introducing DRCTalk

This is to announce the establishment of DRCTalk, an electronic discussion group dedicated to the planning of Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) chapter activities and discussion of general strategy for the reform movement. This mailing list is for DRCNet local chapter coordinators, other activists, and all those who would like to contribute or just listen to this strategy forum. This discussion will not be posted to any of the UseNet newsgroups.

I would like DRCTalk to stay focused on its mission of strategy planning, and to stay away from more general discussion like personal philosophy, current events, etc., except as they relate to political strategy. Remember, you can always take a discussion off the mailing list and continue it through private email.

To subscribe to DRCTalk, send email to "[email protected]" with the line "subscribe drctalk-l" in the body (not the subject) of the message. To unsubscribe from DRCTalk, you have only to send the message "unsubscribe drctalk-l" to the same address. To send a mailing to the discussion group, you send email to "drctalk-l"; this message is forwarded to all subscribers.

I have taken the liberty of subscribing a few of you already who have either expressed an interest in becoming DRCNet chapter coordinators or with whom I have had previous discussions on movement strategy. I apologize if any of you whom I have subscribed do not wish to be on the listserv; to be removed, you have only to follow the above instructions or send your request to me.

Note: Though I am careful to protect the privacy of subscribers to the DRCNet mailing list, I have no foolproof way to do so with DRCTalk. The list will not be advertised, however, an internet user with enough familiarity with list servers would be able to examine the list of DRCTalk subscribers; the listserv software in use does not provide a way to protect this list.

If you like what you see here and want to get these bulletins by e-mail, please fill out our quick signup form at http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.

Click to sign up now

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Drug Reform Coordination Network