DRCNetDrug Reform Coordination Network


Rally Against the Drug War -- NYC 5/6

Cures not Wars, a New York based drug policy reform group, in conjunction with other members of the Harm Reduction Coalition, are proud to present a day of rallies and a parade to stop the drug war in Manhattan on Saturday, May 6.

The day starts with two rallies in midtown at 11 a.m.

A rally will be held in front of the offices of CASA (Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse) at 152 West 57 Street (at 7th Avenue). CASA is a multimillion dollar think tank affiliated with Columbia University, and headed by former Health, Education & Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano and former Bush Office of National Drug Control Policy Deputy Director of Demand Reduction Dr. Herbert Kleber.

Both Califano and Kleber have waffled on harm reduction measures, and have opposed National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) trials of ibogaine, a potential addiction interruptor derived from an African rainforest shrub. For further information about this event ONLY, call (212) 340-1196.

Simultaneously, a rally will be held in front of the offices of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America in the Chrysler Building (43rd Street & Lexington Avenue). The focus of this event will be medical marijuana. NIDA has recently denied access to marijuana for a planned study on its efficacy vs. Marinol for AIDS patients suffering from wasting syndrome. The PDFA put a lot of pressure on to get this decision.

At about 12:40, the rallies will converge on Fifth Avenue for a march down to Washington Square Park. The rally in the Park will actually begin at 1 p.m., and last until about 7 p.m. Speakers include attorney William Kunstler, former Black Panther Dhoruba bin-Wahad, Drug Policy Foundation Executive Director David Condliffe and Lindesmith Center President Ethan Nadelmann. Bands include Jah Levi and the Higher Reasoning and Home.

For more information, please call (212) 677-7180 (voice mail, please leave message) or e-mail [email protected].

Foundation for Drug Policy Awareness / Drug Reform Coordination Network
P.O. Box 381813, Cambridge, MA 02238-1813
(617) 648-2655 / (617) 646-2713 (fax)
email: [email protected]

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