
The Criminal Justice Policy Foundation/National Drug Strategy Network has resumed publishing Newsbriefs after a hiatus. Newsbriefs is not a pro or anti-legalization newsletter, but simply reports news (a lot of it) on all aspects of drug policy. Individuals from around the country send Newsbriefs newspaper clippings which are then analyzed and incorporated into the magazine; more contributors of news are always welcom. Subscriptions to Newsbriefs are $90/year, $45/year low income, or free for regular information contributors. Contact:

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
1899 L Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036-3804
(202) 835-9075
(202) 223-1288 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]

From The Activist Guide, Issue #3, September '94, DRCNet Publications section, A Guided Tour of the War on Drugs home page.

The next article is: Sentencing Commission to Have Full Complement.